Photo by Matt Bennet
Jeff Lanier is an award-winning author. His book For the Minds and Wills of Men has won 1st Place in Fiction with IndieReader’s Discovery Award, 2023 Readers' Favorite Silver Medal Winner, 1st Place in Historical Fiction with Dragon Fly Awards, and Finalist for Fiction with Next Generation Indie Reader Awards.
Jeff earned bachelor’s degrees in History and Art History at The University of Texas, Austin with a focus on the History of American Culture through Art and Literature. He has a master’s from Rice University, is a member of the American Society of Aesthetics, and currently lives in Houston with his wife and three kids.
Jeff has studied art and architecture in Europe, has worked at Sotheby’s Art Auction in New York in Hollywood & Rock’n Roll memorabilia, renovated historic theatres, and sold insurance in China.
When not working, Jeff prefers to drink coffee and study art while sitting on a bench in his yard, cook outside on the grill, and occasionally go for a run.